- Introduction to Web Development: History, basics, and architecture
- HTML: Introduction, elements, tags, and structure of a web page
- CSS: Introduction, Selectors, Properties, Box Model, and CSS frameworks
- JavaScript: Introduction, Variables, Data Types, Operators, and Control Structures
- DOM (Document Object Model): Understanding and manipulating HTML elements using JavaScript
- Functions, Objects, and Arrays in JavaScript
- Event handling and JavaScript Forms: On Click, On Submit, etc.
- JavaScript and the Browser: BOM (Browser Object Model), AJAX, and fetch API
- CSS and Layout: Flexbox, Grid, and Responsive Design
- CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize, etc.
- Advanced JavaScript: ES6 features such as arrow functions, template literals, etc.
- JavaScript Libraries: jQuery, React, Vue, etc.
- Web APIs: Working with RESTful APIs, JSON data, etc.
- JavaScript Project Work: Creating small to medium-sized projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript